Some things never get change. In Las Vegas, the topless adults-only revue has enjoyed a long, rich history, one that lives on in shows like Fantasy, a tremendously enduring production that's about to celebrate its 23rd anniversary on the Las Vegas Strip.

The elements that make this show a hit are all still in place: Cute-as-a-button emcee Lorena Peril, whose sexiness is matched only by her amazing voice (not to mention audience banter, guaranteed to help lower your inhibitions), a cast of gorgeous, athletic women performing a variety of dance styles to hits of today and yesteryear, and comic relief courtesy of a rotation of Murray the Magician and Shayma Tash.

No matter if it’s your first time seeing it or your fifth time, Fantasy continues to dazzle like few other long-standing shows. It keeps a glorious tradition gloriously alive.

Luxor, 18+, 702.262.4400

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