Jim Jefferies may have been born in Australia, but the comic, political commentator, writer and actor, loves America so much that he became a U.S. citizen about nine years ago. America also has provided him copious fodder for his Comedy Central TV show named, naturally, The Jim Jefferies Show, and for his stand-up comedy, not to mention frequent talk show appearances.

Jefferies spares no words when speaking on politics, famous people, various customs and cultures. As he has said, “The more offensive the better.” Saying that no topic is off limits, Jefferies explains that the more risky the topic, the funnier the joke has to be, citing cancer as one such topic. “Unless it is really funny, it is just offensive.”

While many of his comments can have a real sting to them, there are gentler moments, such as his trying to explain why he just can’t get the hang of certain American things like why we don’t use the metric system.

The Mirage, 10 p.m. Aug. 10-11, starting at $49.99 plus tax and fee, 16+ with adult. 702.792.7777