It’s a question anyone who’s lived long enough in Las Vegas is eventually asked by their guests: “If you could only see one show while you’re in town, which one would it be?” For at least the last 10 years, that answer more often than not is probably Absinthe, a one-of-a-kind production in a one-of-a-kind venue that has been drawing rave reviews since it debuted on the Strip in 2011. It’s the kind of show you can’t wait to tell everyone about once you’ve seen it.

The venue itself makes you feel like you’re part of something special. The Spiegeltent is ornately decorated, its circular space featuring a bar, hundreds of seats, tables, and a smallish circular stage at the center. “That’s it?” you might be asking yourself. But you’ll forget you even thought it once the show begins. That space is used extremely effectively by a variety of acts, all connected by the extremely foul-mouthed (and extremely funny) Gazillionaire, a sleazy “producer” who brags about his money when he’s not insulting the audience and abusing his poor assistant, Wanda Widdles, who’s not above being a bit blue herself.

The acts themselves are all world-class, starting with one that may induce vertigo in some audience members—an acrobat slowly ascends to the top of a chair mountain he builds, balancing himself along the way and sometimes actually moving the chair mountain around. Once he reaches the top, down comes The Green Fairy, an iconic part of the show displaying great curves and great pipes as she serenades the crowd with “Come On-A My House.” It’s the perfect segue into the show’s raunchy—but fun—style.

Along the way, you’ll enjoy acrobats, jugglers, strongmen and a few naughty intermissions that will have you doubled over with laughter. Just like the drink itself, this show is intoxicating—and maybe just a little addictive.

Caesars Palace, 18+, 800.745.3000 Ticketmaster

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