Ladies night has returned to the Las Vegas Strip in serious style at Thunder From Down Under, an all-male revue featuring some of the hottest men performing some of the hottest dance moves you’ve ever seen. All your fantasies are realized here, from firemen to cowboys, all to a rocking soundtrack. And, as the title implies, they’re all from Australia, and the cast rotates occasionally, practically mandating return trips (as if you needed an excuse).

Expect high decibel levels as the cast explores the Thunderland Showroom, including into the audience. There’s a main stage and a round stage in the center, guaranteeing great sight lines no matter where you are (and, in keeping with safety protocols, dancers wear masks when getting up close and personal). Add in state-of-the-art lighting and LED screens and you have an over-the-top, sexy experience.

Excalibur, 18+. 702.597.7600

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