Preacher Lawson is a naturally charismatic force onstage, likely the top reason he was selected as the comedic host of the new America’s Got Talent Las Vegas Live variety production show that is captivating audiences at Luxor. A finalist on the TV competition show’s 12th season, Lawson placed fifth when he returned to The Champions version of the program, and now his top priority is connecting audience members to this high-powered live version of the AGT experience. He’s more than up to the task.

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How much of a performance adjustment are you making to go from doing stand-up to hosting America’s Got Talent Las Vegas Live at Luxor?

It’s definitely been an adjustment, but it’s not a difficult one. I’m used to flying out on weekends and being exhausted, then doing four or five or six shows, doing an hour of comedy. Here, I’m not doing anywhere near that amount of total time, and I’m not as wild. I think I have a little different composure. But the (producers) have been really open to letting me do what I want to do.

AGT is a familiar experience, but as host, you’re setting the tone for the audience and guiding them through how this is different from what they’ve seen on TV.

Oh yeah, I have this moment with the audience, so they know this is not just the TV show, and they feel engaged and recognize it’s live. And there’s lots of interaction. I do always have to pick on somebody a little bit or say something, so they know it’s going to be a special night.

How have these last few months in Las Vegas impacted or influenced your comedy and your performance style?

It’s definitely inspired me and made me want to be more open when I’m onstage. A lot of people say this is the greatest show they’ve ever seen in their lives. It can make people laugh, cry, your heart is going to drop or stop for a second, there’s every emotion in this show, and so much excitement. It’s definitely made me want to upgrade what I’m doing when I go back (on the road) and made me want to be more loose onstage.

Have you been able to squeeze in some stand-up dates during this opening run of the show?

I’ll definitely go back on the road (this spring) but I’m also on the road now. Whenever I can squeeze it in, every Monday and Tuesday I’m gone. And I feel like I’ve gotta get out there again (because) I have to drop this new material.

Is your new comedy material taking any different directions?

I definitely always want to explore new styles, but it’s still my style. I’ll be doing this for 13 years in March, and I feel like I’ve honed it, grown and evolved. If you watched my first time on AGT and then my special from three years ago, I’m just different, a little more calm. When I first got on AGT, I was yelling, all over the place, and then I went on the road to headline for the first time in my life and every weekend, I’d lose my voice. So, I had to figure that out, that I don’t need to expend the same amount of energy, that I can save myself. I feel evolved as a comedian, but I’m still me, and I definitely want to keep testing the waters.

Luxor, 702.262.4400

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