Dolphins have excellent vision and make eye contact with humans. They can distinguish between individuals at the surface visiting them at Siegfried & Roy’s Secret Garden & Dolphin Habitat, but only look with one eye at a time. So says the announcer at a pool deep in the heart of The Mirage, where aquatic headliners Maverick, Osborne and K2 strut their stuff.

As nearby exotic big cats sun themselves in late-morning sun, the dolphins are ready to play and interact. Low-impact hijinks and swim-bys segue into aerial maneuvers and increasingly complicated choreography. They perform synchronized somersaults in pairs, then double somersaults. They “walk” on water and wave at people above the surface as well as below, where observation windows provide an aquarium view of the dolphins. Some folks take off their shoes and have photos taken on the wet deck, while several others in wet suits listen to instructions preceding dives into the pool.

Elsewhere in the Secret Garden, a small child calls to a white lion from Southern Africa’s Timbavati region, which subsequently opens its eyes. Timbavati means “the place where something sacred came down to Earth from the heavens,” but Timba-Masai looks majestic whether in repose or while wide awake and holding court.

The regal resident presides over a realm that includes spotted leopard Neruda, black spotted leopard Shadow, snow-white Bengal tiger Cosmo and gold Bengal tiger Svengali. Svengali is a rare heterozygous cat capable of producing white cubs, which late, legendary magicians Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Horn were committed to sustaining.

Secret Garden functions as a preserve as well as a scientific research and education destination. Casual learning is part of the fun. Bronzed signs share information about the big cats, and take-home packets full of activities are available for kids at the exit. Look sharp for “The 21st Century Ark of Noah,” an artwork donated by Romanian nuns in appreciation for Siegfried & Roy’s help in building an orphanage.

The Mirage, 702.791.7188

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