I had never been to see Tape Face; indeed, I had never seen him appear on America’s Got Talent. However, I have been regaled with story after story about the onstage antics at his shows. And after seeing him live, I can confirm they are all true!

Breaking the ice before the main show is a funny balloon act, putting the audience in the perfect frame of mind for the fun to come. Although Tape Face doesn’t speak during the show (letting his eyes do the talking), his helpers occasionally do, shepherding volunteers onstage. And yes, there is a ton of volunteer action, so don’t be surprised if you are chosen to help out. 

In one act, Tape Face sets up his guest, positioning balloons strategically between both his and the volunteer’s legs and arming each with a stapler—then the classic Western duel notes issue through a loudspeaker. You can guess what happens next! Star Wars gets an homage as well, with tape measures standing in for light sabers. A golf-inspired bit will have you cringing and cheering at the same time. And, somehow apropos for Vegas, a stripper (of sorts) will be spotted onstage.

If you are chosen as a volunteer, get up there! It’s maybe the quickest way to gain access to the imagination we all had as children.

Harrah’s, 702.777.2782

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