Usually when you see the tag “family-friend entertainment,” it means the show will appeal to kids, but not necessarily adults. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to The Mac King Comedy Magic Show, a long-running romp that will have everyone in the audience laughing. It’s infectiously fun, and we can almost guarantee your kids will be lining up at the end to either buy their own magic set or meet the man himself (King always meets with his fans after every show).

King himself is very unassuming—he arrives onstage in a checkered suit that seems just a bit too big for him. But, as you’ll soon discover, there are plenty of jokes and visual gags that involve this suit. It’s as much a part of the show as King himself, and impossible to forget.

King’s “aw, shucks” presentation is meant to disarm you, as the illusions he performs will have your jaw on the floor, using props ranging from a rope to a fishing pole to a camping tent. He’s not flashy or boastful; the feats he achieves feel very matter-of-fact. There’s a very good chance you’ll get back to your hotel room and think, “Wait a minute—how did he DO all that?”

Audience participation is a big part of the show as well. If you’re called up onstage and can keep a straight face in the onslaught of King’s hilarious routines, more power to you! (We certainly couldn’t.)

Excalibur, 702.597.7600

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