In October of last year, local artist Chris Elliman won Park West Fine Art Museum and Gallery’s Made In Vegas competition, vying against hundreds of other creators. That led to his current special three-month exhibition at The Forum Shops gallery, which kicked off on Jan. 7. Fans can catch Elliman Jan. 28 from 4-7 p.m. for a live painting, a meet-and-greet and a Q&A session. Elliman gave Las Vegas Magazine’s Nina King a look into his process.

What led you to become an artist?

I was never very good at math! I had to pivot to something I was better at and truly passionate about.

Your works seem quite complex. Is it all themed?

Every piece is a journey with intention. The story reveals itself exponentially fast, and the viewer should delve further into the piece to understand the book is not the cover.

Where do you come up with the ideas for your works?

My ideas evolve from studying society. It’s very cool to just sit back and love people from a distance and absolutely love them up close. The culmination of observational wonderment evolves to what I call “visual DJing.” The results are on the canvas.

How long does it take to research each painting, what is the process of creating them, and how long until it is complete?

I consider my work science. It takes a lot of time to cave paint the universe, as it tunnels and builds its way into my heart. Every breath that goes down, I’m excited to know it’s a painting and also a story. I can usually nail it down on canvas in about six weeks.

How did you choose what to enter in the Made in Vegas competition?

The Made in Vegas competition choices started with what makes people happy. Then it’s about life and, tertiarily, it’s about what we are going to do with the culmination of the celebration of our happy stuff. And that’s why I like to win. I love people and art the same.

The Forum Shops at Caesars, 702.630.1037

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