There is no food desert at Area15, the menagerie of experiential, immersive attractions located west of the Strip. Omega Mart has that covered with an inventory of exceptional quality and products that can’t be found anywhere else. There are fresh Happles to be had in the produce section, sculpted cheese and meat products in the deli, Honey Clumps of Hmm …, breakfast in a box and Liquid Death in a can.

The shelves are full, surfaces are spotless and highly trained employees are ever present to help direct shoppers to Who Told You This Was Butter home freshening spray. There is another dimension to Omega Mart, though, one accessed via hidden entrances and disguised doorways. Groceries are left behind and a cavernous complex of art installations and surreal environments becomes open for exploration.

Ostensibly the headquarters of the mysterious Dram Corporation, the multi-level inner Omega Mart contains passages that twist and turn, rooms full of sensory-overloading discoveries and artistic visions courtesy of creative collective Meow Wolf that segue into and contrast with each other to form a cohesive whole. There is a conspiracy at the heart of the operation though, with clues for aspiring detectives left behind by the enigmatic Dram family. There’s no mystery to the impact that Omega Mart conceptualists Meow Wolf have had on the Las Vegas art scene, though: They’ve taken things to a level heretofore unheard of in the city’s history.

Hall of Fame honorees from 2020

Hall of Fame honorees from 2021

Hall of Fame honorees from 2022

Hall of Fame honorees from 2023

Hall of Fame honorees from 2024

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