If you haven’t been to Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart in AREA15, you don’t know what you’re missing. And unless you look very closely at all the details of the freaky supermarket, you may still not know what you’re missing.

Omega Mart combines art with attraction to create a slightly creepy scramble behind the scenes at the Dramcorp supermarket, with worlds to be discovered behind doors and desks. Even longtime fans of the attraction recently got more to uncover with the opening of two new rooms, both featuring Las Vegas artists.

If you were dying to see what lay in the padlocked icebox in Seven Monolith Village, yank open the door now and check out Rhampa, a wild diorama with layers of meaning and materials accompanied by a mutable soundscape. Gail Gilbert, a dancer, sculptor and painter, brought the scene to life.

Farther into Dramcorp headquarters, you’ll spy an office environment from the mind of emerging artist Mila May. In this space, titled Daydream, a detail-filled mural will capture your imagination—sound and light are incorporated as well.

“In these new spaces, two incredibly talented local artists express their authentic artistic voice within our exhibit,” said Omega Mart creative director Kent Caldwell in a news release. “The results are magical works of art that reward curiosity.”

3215 S. Rancho Drive. meow.wf/lvm

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