After serving six years in the Marine Corps, Michael Medina took a bartending job on the side to supplement his income. Working in bars and underground clubs in San Francisco, he discovered he had a knack for the industry—and better than that, he liked it. So 15 years ago, Medina brought his skills to Las Vegas, and for the past year and a half he’s been at Aria Resort & Casino working as the director of beverage.

“I’ve had a pretty charmed career, I must say,” Medina says. He’s right! Medina’s resume reads like a who’s who in the industry—the top nightclubs, properties, dayclubs, bars and restaurants in Vegas. (He even spent time in L.A. running top nightlife spots.)

As director of beverage, Medina oversees the programs across Aria’s bars and lounges, including Alibi Ultra Lounge, where we sat down for the interview and photo shoot.

“I stay cutting edge with programming and utilize my knowledge and partnerships to separate Aria from other properties,” he says. “For example, I’ve produced eight select barreled bourbons and whiskies for the property—our own WhistlePig, Angel’s Envy—that’s the things I do to help separate us. I always challenge myself; know whatever I need to know to stay ahead of the trend, do everything I can to develop those that work for me. I’m a teacher, a mentor. I’ve had really cool experiences and worked in awesome places, and whatever the experience was, I pass on that knowledge. Being in this industry this long, this is what I do. I live at the intersection of people and experiences.”

Libation: One Two Punch

With a friend? Order Alibi Ultra Lounge’s two-person cocktail, the One Two Punch. Served in a porrón, a classic Spanish decanter, the smooth-tasting cocktail is mixed with Grey Goose vodka, elderflower liqueur, brandy and fresh lemon. It’s poured tableside into a rocks glass with an ice sphere.

Benefit: Alibi Ultra Lounge offers live DJs performing Friday through Monday, beginning at 9 p.m.

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